VERION is a company that has more than 30 years of experience, was born with the aim of providing comprehensive solutions in the field of Oleohydraulics.

Since its inception has been in constant growth, gaining prestige through its hard work and commitment to its customers in the areas of Mechanics, Electronics and Hydraulics developing sales of products, services, systems and engineering solutions for manufacturers, resellers and users final.

Since the year 2000, he began the development of solutions and equipment for precision agriculture and the insertion of this technology in the Latin American market.

Seeking to satisfy the increasingly demanding needs that the agricultural sector requires, it develops solutions based on three pillars: IMPLEMENTS - CONTROL AND QUALITY OF THE APPLICATION - AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT, thus guaranteeing a total integration in all the activities of the agricultural cycle.

Our presence in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others, guarantees its presence in agricultural countries in Latin America and the rest of the world.


Be recognized as a leading company in the sector.


Market and develop first level solutions for our clients.

  • Verion was born in Argentina to offer integral solutions to the Oleohydraulic sector,
    with products and services for various segments such as industry,
    construction, oil, aeronautics, agriculture, mining, naval, offshore.

  • Developed the first equipment for crops,
    where through an electrohydraulic mechanism the transmission relations
    (gears and chains) of the seed drills are replaced.

  • The headquarters of Guarulhos - Brazil opens its doors,
    today with 77 employees.

  • Implementation of the GPS guidance system / light bar, for various applications, cutting by sections in sprayers.

    "Gerdau Melhor da Terra" Award to VRM in Brazil.

  • The first computer capable of executing multiple functions is launched.

  • "Gerdau Melhor da Terra" Prize awarded by satisfied customers
    who approve the product category in Brazil.

  • The industrial plant starts operating with 3.000m² to produce export-type agricultural machines, developed according to each type of crop.

  • VCOM 7.0 is launched with new features capable of meeting the needs of our customers.

  • The headquarters in Bogotá - Colombia opens its doors to serve the closest customers.

  • The prize "Innovation in Agricultural Machinery" is awarded in Argentina.

  • The management control "Tractorimeter" is launched.

  • Develops the receiver and integrated antenna LCGPS up to 30cm of precision ideal for spraying, broadcast fertilization, harvesting and soil preparation with manual guidance.

  • Launches its own line of fertilizers in Argentina.

  • Winners of the 2019 Export Awards category: EXPORT PIONEER

  • Winners of the Export 2021 awards, category: Export Ambassador Center:

    Companies that export goods or services representative of their province, region or community

    (Buenos Aires, City of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, La Pampa and Santa Fe)


Guayanas 1921 (Esq. Capitán Bermúdez 4150) I Pque. Industrial I Malvinas Argentinas I Buenos Aires

Tel. +54 (02320) 551090

Soluciones Integrales

Soluciones Integrales

VERION cuenta con un importante plantel de técnicos propios para dar asistencia a los servicios de entrega y posventa en varios países garantizando así partes originales y una rápida respuesta.

También nuestros distribuidores autorizados cubren las necesidades brindando asistencia a nuestros clientes. Consúltenos por su distribuidor más cercano.

VERION  fue premiada como embajadora exportadora y ganó el Premio Exportar 2021

VERION fue premiada como embajadora exportadora y ganó el Premio Exportar 2021


VERION was a winner in the 26th edition of the Exportar 2021 Awards for its insertion work in foreign markets.

He obtained the "Exporter Ambassador" award of the Central Region, in category 7, which distinguishes the "company that exports goods or goods representative of its province, region or community."

Within the Exportar 2021 Awards, the Central Region is understood to be made up of Buenos Aires, the city of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, La Pampa and Santa Fe.

The awards were presented by Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero, who was accompanied by Cecilia Todesca Bocco, Secretary for International Economic Relations, and Juan Usandivaras, Executive President of the Argentine Agency for International Investment and Trade (AAICI).


After the award was handed over, Guillermo Rothpflug, CEO of VERION, thanked them by videoconference and explained the company's strategy to be an international player in the agromachinery fields.

VERION has more than 30 years of experience and was born with the aim of providing comprehensive solutions in the field of oleohydraulics.

Since the year 2000, it has been developing Precision Agriculture technology and also, in the field of agricultural machinery, it works with fertilizers, sprayers and shredders of pruning remains.

Fuente: MAQUINAC (2021, 13 de diciembre) Verion fue premiada como embajadora exportadora.
